CS60 Software Release Notes =========================== Version 20.4 ------------ ### New Functions * Implemented control of external illumination with adapted exposure times. * Implemented circular and ring ROIs in addition to rectangular ones. * The log files from the emulator can be downloaded the same way than for sensors. * The downloaded log files can optionally include the job files. * Add the SFTP (Secure FTP) method to the FTP upload functionality. * When the emulator stops with the stop button, it is removed from the device list instantaneously. * The emulator now has different icons for start and stop states. * Include a count barcodes tool. * Rebooting the CS60 is now possible from within nVision-i. * Add more information to the log files, such as configuration files. * The barcode icons now also include a 2D code to emphasize that the tools can decode both 1D and 2D codes. * The high-resolution sensor CS60-BM3 was integrated. * Integrated french and chinese translations of software and manual. ### Bug Fixes * Rounding of measurements sometimes led to false min/max checks. * The statistic tool cleared the modified flag of a job, and thus could prevent saving. * Preprocessing in the Count Edges tool did not work, removed. * Reduce memory footprint on the CS60 by 5 MB by reducing doubly used code. * nVision-i may abort sending device discovery messages when sending on one endpoint failed. * FTP server configuration node: host/port/user/password ports cannot be connected to pipeline inputs any more. * Profinet read/write nodes: ports with static information cannot be connected to pipeline inputs any more. * New GSD file with shortened order id CS60. * The help file display for the detect barcode tool was wrong. * nVision-i could crash when files from the windows explorer were dragged over the device or job lists. * Avoid queuing of job change notifications. * Properly dispose TCP/IP objects to prevent exception on shutdown. * Group icon were missing on the ribbon. * Switching to the Result tool made it impossible to insert new tools in certain cases. * Edge detection was offset by half a pixel. * Some DPM codes were unreadable. Implementing preprocessing in the barcode decoder tools helps reading those codes. ### Known Problems * Sometimes, sensors are not shown when nVision-i is started. A restart of nVision-i fixes it. Version 20.3 ------------ * First public release.